
Locating Individuals Vs. Businesses Using Skip Tracing

Skip tracing is often the best way to quickly obtain accurate contact information when trying to locate someone. The reason for needing this contact information doesn’t matter because skip tracing is useful for almost any purpose. From tracking down absentee property owners who might sell to locating people who skip bail, it’s an effective method to find someone’s current mailing address or phone number. However, it can be a bit different when looking for businesses instead of individuals, so it’s important to understand these differences before proceeding and to use a trusted skip tracing services such as those found at

What is Skip Tracing?

The term “skip tracing” originated in the private investigation community, based on the phrase “to skip town.” It is quite literal; investigators have developed methods to find public information like the most recent contact address and phone number for individuals. Today, skip tracing also includes email addresses, social media profiles, property ownership, and other public information.

While skip tracing used to be done manually across many resources, software now allows for quick and automated searches, making the process easier and faster. This enables businesses and individuals to find the information they need without hiring a private investigator and paying high fees each time.

Skip Tracing for Individuals

Tracing individuals has traditionally been the biggest challenge because people sometimes find ways to hide their identities or keep their names off items like leases and utility bills that might reveal an address. Online footprints are crucial because if someone has even one social media account in their real name, it’s possible to reach out via email or get location information from posts.

Private investigators rely on today’s powerful skip tracing software for this very reason. It would be onerous to track social media individually, so even without the labor savings that comes from gathering complete tier-one skip tracing data in one place; it would consolidate a lot.

Full skip tracing software tools make this possible and affordable for other industries. Depending on the service structure, it’s either through a subscription or a tracing fee. BatchSkipTracing offers results for a flat fee with no subscription cost, making it affordable regardless of how many or few searches you need to support your operation.

Skip Tracing for Businesses

It is often easier to find businesses than individuals since they are typically required to maintain a business license or register with the government for a tax ID. However, this is not always the case, and these records are not always perfect. Similarly, businesses usually have records of property ownership or mailing addresses. The challenge for those tracing businesses?

They might be operating under a different visible name from their registered business name or using PO Boxes instead of a physical address. Often, tracing a business involves finding its registered owner or partners, especially for companies with those structures.

For corporations, it can be more difficult. That is why a top-tier skip tracing resource is needed when looking for business contact information. It includes additional search parameters to delve as deep as necessary to find information on companies with no offices or physical address.

Key Takeaways

If you are wondering whether a skip tracing service could help your business, keep these key points in mind:

– Tracing provides a search of all available public records plus a deep internet search, completed in a few minutes.

– Skip tracing does not have to involve a monthly subscription cost; there are pay-as-you-go options.

– Individual results are very inexpensive, so costs only increase as your business grows.

To learn about individual plans or providers, simply look at pricing and account signup information.