With the lockdown in effect due to the COVID-19 pandemic globally, you do not get the license to indulge in poor and unhealthy food habits and lifestyle. Rest assured that the scientists have yet to find a vaccine for the corona virus. In such a scenario, your best bet would be to improve your immunity to stay healthy against the virus. The World Health Organization has been urging people to maintain social distancing and to upkeep their immunity with healthy food habits. Until date, precaution and prevention have been the only way to fight the corona virus.
When under self home-quarantine, you should consider up keeping your physical and mental health in the best possible way. Let us delve on a few vital aspects to help you upkeep your physical and mental health during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stay physically active
During home quarantine, you should consider staying physically active. It would be pertinent that you do small bodily movements by taking a short break from continuous sitting. Walking and stretching for 3-4 minutes would help ease your muscles, improve muscle activity, and blood circulation.
Stay mentally alert
Adapting to a different lifestyle would be difficult for most people. The lifestyle changes, managing the fear of contracting the virus, and worrying about the health of the people close to you would be challenging for you. You should listen to recommendations and advice from national and local authorities, stick to a good routine, and keep a digital social contact while staying away from disturbing news feeds.
Stay positive
Look forward to staying positive at all times. Consider watching positive and helpful stories. Take regular breaks from on-screen activities.
Consider thanking and helping the healthcare professionals and health workers online and through the community working day in and day out in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.