

How Can Your Doctor Help with Weight Loss?

If you’ve been trying to lose weight but are not seeing any positive results, it might be time to consult your weight loss doctor. He can assess your general health, identify your weight gain causes, find out if there are any health issues related to your weight gain, and formulate...

How to Handle a Sexual Harassment Case?

Sexual harassment is a most used term nowadays in many workplaces. Even though in every workplace sexual harassment policies are there no one knows what to do and how to handle a complaint when raised on them. Sexual Harassment policy is important for creating a healthy and safe environment and...

Dealing with Hypospadias with Chordee Penile Repair

One of the known problems that happen amongst men at birth is Hypospadias. This is one birth defect in which the urine duct is not located at the penis tip but is somewhere underside. It is not totally displaced but often the displacement is at the backside closer to testicles...

How to get a medical advice from expert?

Nowadays, almost everyday we will hear about medical issues. Be it within our own family, our neighbor, friends or even some random guy we met on a bus. Medical issues are one of the regular topics that we will come across everyday. This is particularly true because people get sick...

Facelift Singapore: How is Facelift without Surgery Done?

Non-surgical facelift treatments have already made waves as some of the most effective anti-aging treatments with the least risks. They're quick, do not require general anesthesia, and recovery is easier too. Not every non-surgical facelift in Singapore may be ideal for you, though. Therefore, it would be best to find...

Do You Know What Sermorelin And Ipamorelin Are?

Sermorelin and Ipamorelin are growth hormones releasing hormones and are easily available in the market. However, you will need a doctor’s prescription to buy them. These days, they are extremely popular and considered as an alternative to HGH therapy. The reason for this is that these hormones will allow you...

UTI after Sex

A urinary tract infection occurs in any part of the urinary tract that composes of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The two kidneys filter waste from your body and excrete out the waste in the form of urine. From both kidneys arise the ureters which transport urine from...
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